Registration problem? ---------- Message transféré ---------- De : "Suzzette Bernard" suzzette.bernard@gmail.com Date : 17 juil. 2017 8:22 AM Objet : Re: [Bike!Bike! Organizing] Registration and some other stuff À : "Magaly Paquet" magaly3paquet@gmail.com Cc :
Hi Magaly,
When I tried to register today for Bike!Bike!, I never received a confirmation email. It didn't even appear in spam. I'll try again tomorrow. I would like to offer two workshops, presented by myself: (1) Bike Shop Age Dynamics. Our little shop has always gotten along and the shop managers have ranged in age from 20 to nearly 70. We've been asked what's our secret because other shops have had difficulties between the older and younger staff/volunteers. This workshop would be for those who would like to discuss those issues and hopefully we could provide suggestions how we've managed to succeed where others have failed. The second (2) workshop celebrates our 16+ year history and managing not only to subsist, successfully, but also have managed to remain small. We have also always been all-volunteer. Does size really matter? Can you survive... better yet, thrive, while also remaining small and solely volunteer based? Maybe we can offer some reasons.
If you add these workshops, you can say they will be run by Worcester
Worcester Earn A Bike would be making a group donation as well as individual donations. We will decide on the exact amount by the beginning of August. I personally will be arriving a few days early. I hope to help you set up, should you need help. I won't be needing housing because I will be staying at a hotel. I'll be bringing my own bike so I won't need a loaner.
On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 4:12 PM, Magaly Paquet magaly3paquet@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Godwin!
Website Test: I tried the registration and it looks good! The calender is in may ;).
Thank you for everything!
Translation: I have a wonderful google group for translation. We are working on google doc. I share with you mails, if you want to had them to work on the workbench website. They are volunteer mails from the last B!B. Maybe it's gonnna help for the last push ;).
2017-06-06 12:36 GMT-04:00 Godwin ! goodgodwin@hotmail.com:
Hey folks, the new registration process in almost ready and Graham has been helping to test however it would be great to get some more feedback and suggestions for copy changes before getting the content translated into French and Spanish. You can view the screen captures once logged into the workbench https://workbench.bikecollectives.org/ here: https://workbench.bikecollectives.org/apps/b ikebike/pages/conferences/register. You can also test the process itself on the preview server here: https://preview-en.bikebike.org/
Feel free to create fake accounts, you can create as many as you like by inserting '+anything' before your email address' @ symbol. For example I might use goodgodwin+test1@hotmail.com, or goodgodwin+somethingelse@hotma il.com, any emails I get will be sent to goodgodwin@hotmail.com.
A few things to keep in mind:
- PayPal payments are set up and will charge your account if you make
- Admin tools need some updates, don't expect these to work right now
but they will be working by the time you need to use them
- Questions are different depending on your answers, for example, you
will be asked if you can house attendees but not be asked if you need housing if you enter your location as Winnipeg
Feel free to email me feedback, discuss it here, or comment on the workbench. If you feel like making copy changes you can also do this on the workbench in the English translations or just send me the changes that you'd like to see.
*Front page*
- Can we get an updated image for the poster? The one on the site is
low resolution and fairly grainy.
- The language on the description contains several obscenities.
Although most attendees wouldn't bat an eye at this I would suggest modifying this as there will be people of all ages and faiths that may attend and may be offended by this language. In addition, there will be people travelling internationally and the language may make the conference appear less legitimate to border security or organizations helping to fund travel.
- When can we expect to get a Spanish translation for the conference
description? I can help by contacting Spanish translators if you need help with this
- I plan to break up the conference description into more sections so
that we can reduce the content on the front page and make extended details available on the conference details page. Does anyone have any issues with this?
Regarding English copy, would it be better for me to work one-on-one with someone? Would someone like to volunteer to do this?
BikeBikeOrganizing mailing list BikeBikeOrganizing@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/bikebikeorgani zing-bikecollectives.org