Hey folks, the new registration process in almost ready and Graham has been helping to test however it would be great to get some more feedback and suggestions for copy changes before getting the content translated into French and Spanish. You can view the screen captures once logged into the workbench here: https://workbench.bikecollectives.org/apps/bikebike/pages/conferences/register. You can also test the process itself on the preview server here: https://preview-en.bikebike.org/

Feel free to create fake accounts, you can create as many as you like by inserting '+anything' before your email address' @ symbol. For example I might use goodgodwin+test1@hotmail.com, or goodgodwin+somethingelse@hotmail.com, any emails I get will be sent to goodgodwin@hotmail.com.

A few things to keep in mind:

Feel free to email me feedback, discuss it here, or comment on the workbench. If you feel like making copy changes you can also do this on the workbench in the English translations or just send me the changes that you'd like to see.

Front page

Regarding English copy, would it be better for me to work one-on-one with someone? Would someone like to volunteer to do this?

