Ok, we've talked about it more on the Winnipeg end and yes! let's go ahead and do this via PayPal. I imagine if you have more than the max to transfer, then it can be done in multiple transactions, perhaps over the course of a few days? Here's a link to The Wrench's donate page, please send the money here: http://thewrench.ca/wordpress/help/#donate Let us know how much to expect and in how many transactions.
Thanks folks! Benita
Benita Kliewer, Executive Director, Programs The *W*innipeg *R*epair *E*ducation '*N*' *C*ycling *H*ub 1057 Logan Ave., Winnipeg, MB *204-296-3389*
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 12:29 PM, Zachariah Wahid < offsite@thehubofdetroit.org> wrote:
It's looking like PayPal may be the best option. The transfer fee from our paypal account to your the Wrench's bank account is only $4.99. The only problem is that transfers are limited to $2,999 and we have about twice for the BikeBike fund.
On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 6:23 PM, The Wrench info@thewrench.ca wrote:
Hi folks,
Hope you've all had a chance to recover well from Bike!Bike! and are settling into the usual busyness that is life in community bike shops!
We're slowly getting things organized on our end for next year's B!B!, and are starting to sort some things, including getting leftover funds from you. I am on the finance committee and have been tasked with figuring out how to do this with you. I can discuss all of the details in this group email format, or if it makes more sense to figure this out with one or two of you about this, please let me know who you are!
Thanks! Benita
Benita Kliewer, Program Director The *W*innipeg *R*epair *E*ducation '*N*' *C*ycling *H*ub 1057 Logan Ave., Winnipeg, MB www.thewrench.ca *204-296-3389 <(204)%20296-3389>*
-- Zachariah Wahid Offsite Program Manager (313) 879-5630
BikeBikeOrganizing mailing list BikeBikeOrganizing@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/bikebikeorganizing- bikecollectives.org