Hey folks, as we discussed in the
onboarding workshop at Bike!Bike! I have created a mailing list to make regular announcements but we can also use it to ask questions and discuss future development.
Here is our list of assignments we talked about during the workshop:
Set up Vagrant or Docker to make onboarding easier. Here is your project: https://github.com/orgs/bikebike/projects/12, I have also steps I used to get set up on my windows machine,
hopefully they are good enough to get going on the linux box. Ping me here or directly if you need more help. Update here when it's ready with steps that we can take to get going
Paul and Muz: Start taking a look at the code, see if anything interests you, ask some questions, feel free to try to set up the environment and ask questions about that, whatever
suits your fancy
I'm going to start working on implementing a simple post-conference survey for attendees and organizers