Hey guys, I am adding a survey for everyone who attended. Caitlin designed the questions and we're working with Stan and Momoko to finalize the questions.
The survey will be available for everyone who registered and was checked in. I anonymized the data by adding a new boolean field to the conference registration table which indicates whether or not a user has taken this year's survey. I added a survey model which only includes a survey type (in case we add others in the future), survey version (so that we can analyze individual years and across years as well as account for changes mid-survey if required), and a JSON field for storing the response. At submission time, we mark the registration as having taken the survey and create the survey leaving no way to track who submitted what.
You can see what the page looks like here: https://workbench.bikecollectives.org/apps/bikebike/examples/conferences/sur... And you can find the controller code here: https://github.com/bikebike/BikeBike/blob/master/app/controllers/conferences...
There is currently no way to view the data, this will come later but I plan to add a page that is only accessible by conference organizers where they can view raw written responses and aggregated stats, Caitlin is going to organize putting together a written report later this year.
I'll be asking for translations this week and hopefully sending it out by sometime this week or next. Feel free to ask questions or post suggestions.
participants (1)
Godwin !