We created an app, fairly easy to customize. (COMO) On IOS or Andriod "earnabikecoop" we also use a mailchimp list embeded on our weebly site. Not as soficticated but it helps us keep everything on the mailchimp database ready for communication or reports. Also very low cost, no need for developers and easy for the volunteers.
Cristian Sandoval Founder
C. (210) 441-9980 <%28573%29%20823-9728> cristian@earnabikecoop.org edithlopezestrada@matt.org http://www.earnabikecoop.org/ https://www.facebook.com/eabcoop https://www.facebook.com/wwnsa
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Sterling Stone < sterlingstone@gearinupbicycles.org> wrote:
Hey there All,
Attached is what we use on a weekly basis to capture whats going on and how we are doing on sales and in-shop programming. During staff meeting we work to address any needs that this highlights and be more data driven in decision making. Its not a finished product and we tweak it every few months or so.
Let me know if it helps or if you have further questions.
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Tom Bilcze tom-bilcze@neo.rr.com wrote:
Summit Cycling Center in Akron, Ohio is looking to capture information about our daily shop activities and visitors. One idea that is being discussed is a daily shop report. This would capture things like the number of members and visitors using the facility, what took place in terms of services, sales, volunteers working the shop, and comments.
Has anyone created a simple one page document like this? If so, could you share? If not, what items would you like to see on a list like this? What would help the cooperative do a better job and understand the community and member needs?
We will share our finished document when we are done.
Thanks, Tom Bilcze, Secretary, Summit Cycling Center
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-- Sterling-A. Stone Executive Director Gearin' Up Bicycles 314 Randolph Pl., NE Washington, DC, 20002 202-780-5174 - Shop 202-487-0179 - Cell SterlingStone@gearinupbicycles.org
Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GearinUpBicycles?ref=hl, Join us on Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Gearin-Up-Bicycles-Learn-to-fix-bikes-meet-cool-people/, and follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/GearinUpDC
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