Hi ThinkTank,
does anyone know who to contact about getting 'our' link to work on the bikebike.org site? thanks Andrew Troy Bike Rescue
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: rozdol@yahoo.com Date: Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 9:14 PM Subject: Fwd: [tbrhardcore] Organizations | Bike!Bike! To: "breathingplanet@gmail.com" breathingplanet@gmail.com
Andrew, I tried this link again today and the TBR link didn't work, not sure if its fixable, but I wanted to mention it. Cheers,
Best regards, Mike
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* "rozdol" (via tbrhardcore Mailing List) < tbrhardcore@lists.riseup.net> *Date:* September 9, 2014 at 8:08:58 PM EDT *To:* "tbrhardcore@lists.riseup.net" tbrhardcore@lists.riseup.net *Subject:* *[tbrhardcore] Organizations | Bike!Bike!* *Reply-To:* tbrhardcore@lists.riseup.net
Oh, no, the TBR link didn't work!!! Help...
Best regards, Mike