Consider this a flex on the part of Iowa, USA, generally: we get a TON of bikes each year and usually have more of a problem finding space for them than finding them in the first place (which is kind of where it sounds like you are atm).
If it ever does slow down, we've had a lot of success with bike drives before large item pickup days, if you have those. Also, you could establish relationships with nearby collectives - we supply bikes to other collectives in the area and I'm pretty sure the Bike Library does as well.
Glad that your third year's going well!
Bobby Kennedy Operations Manager 515-288-8022 c: 319-551-6174 bobby@dsmstreetcollective.org [cid:57ffb301-dedf-49d5-86dc-fac7e3dad749] ________________________________ From: thethinktank-request@lists.bikecollectives.org thethinktank-request@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 5:26 PM To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: TheThinkTank Digest, Vol 210, Issue 3
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