Hey Vernon!
What solvent(s) do you use at the laundromat?
It would be really interesting to see a schematic for your design.
Rather than growing Pleurotus in the filtration container it might work better to run the effluent through a Stropharia filter cartridge.
SantroVélo, Montreal
From: Vernon Huffman [mailto:vernonhuffman@yahoo.com] Sent: October-11-15 10:29 PM To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] What do you do with your dirty rags?
We take them to a laundromat, but what we want to do is build a rag washer. It starts with a hose from tap to roof, to the bottom of a solar batch water heater, made from an old water heater tank painted black and built into a triangular box with two sides and both ends insulated and reflective and the third side glass. From the top of the water heater an insulated hose runs to an old front loading clothes washer with the motor removed. It is driven by a stationary bike with a belt around the tireless wheel. The washer sits on a pallet over an old bathtub, into which it drains. The tub has been filled with sand topped with wood chips innoculated with oyster mushrooms, which will clean pollutants out of the water. A drip line runs from the drain hole to the nearby fruit and nut trees. That's the dream...
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