Hey all, Really I just want to see the subject change, so I'd like to see folks throw out some ideas of wishes, dreams, plans and schemes they are hoping for in the new year. We at Pirates have a few - it always seems hard to implement drastic changes, so the new year seems a good excuse. Here's some things on our list: Changing our locks. there have been a number of key-holders who have come and gone, and we never changed the locks when we first moved into our building. Better security and a better system of designating key-holders is a top priority.
Tracking sales. right now all of our cash just goes into the donation box, and not all new parts are *necessarily* paid for in full. We need to ensure we charge for all new items as well as (gulp) starting to charge all applicable taxes and track these sales!
Do our taxes for the first time!!!
Volunteer training. Right now we just have an orientation to introduce people to the space. We would like to have some basic training, including some anti-o/sensitivity and some way of designating who is a volunteer and who is a participant in the space.
Any suggestions or input on the best way to implement any of these changes would be most appreciated. What are your goals for the new year? Ainsley and The Pirates.