by fiscal agent do you mean you have a fiscal sponsor (NPO)? You might want to check with them and see if you can be added to their policy since you are not formally organized. Usually adding square feet to an existing policy does not hike the price much: even double the footage may only mean a 10 or 20% price increase. If the free space you have is part of a larger collective etc.. you can also check with them. For example, our community wood shop made a deal with the adjacent metal shop to be added to their insurance (same building)- sharing the cost of a single insurance was much less than two separate policies covering the same areas.
On 5/20/15 6:20 PM, Abby Easterly wrote:
Does anyone have advice on whether we need and how to acquire insurance for a fledgling bike collective in Manchester, NH? We are lucky to have free space and a fiscal agent, but we are not yet formally organized and are wondering about insurance. Please advise! Thank you, Abby
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