Hey ThinkTankers, Raise your hand if you're excited about bikebike!...
*raises hand* I'm working with a few other volunteers and a Boulder Valley
School District staff member on getting together some kind of bike related
curriculum into PE classes for Spring 09. We have some interested PE
teachers, and they basically have some freedom to use whatever curriculum
they feel best achieves/measures certain benchmarks for the students'
progress. (Things like "can exercise at a moderate pace for 20 minutes or
longer", "can balance appropriately", etc.) We are in touch with several
Safe Routes to Schools people from across the country, as they seem to be
very involved in most of the in-school curricula that we've come across.
I'm interested in any of your experience(s) with this, either as a
volunteer involved in a in-school program, or as a member of a bike
collective doing work in schools. Who funds your programs? What is
involved? What is the staff/volunteer/instructor load like? Do you have
multiple schools that participate? We have some very lofty (albeit awesome)
goals, and I'd like to temper these with some experience and realistic
expectations. Right now, we're aiming the class at 6th grade students. If
anyone is interested in hosting a similar program in their own location,
please get in touch offlist, and I'll put together something to share.
Thanks for any input. josh brown. community cycles, boulder, co