We've been using Square because it was easy to set up and the readers were readily available. Based on a previous post in this thread I've thought about investigating iATS. Right now our number of transactions is pretty low so its not a big deal, but for the future I'd like to have an alternative.
SteveAndruski The Rockville Bike Hub
On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 5:51 PM, Tom Martin tom@rosewoodbikes.org wrote:
Square is really easy to set up across all devices and integrates with QB, Freshbooks and other finance apps. The square app is user friendly and has a lot of options for shops. 2.75% for every aspect of the transaction process is pretty damn cheap. This what we plan to use at Rosewood for these concerns and more, since we don't have a resident ERP or CRM systems expert with software development experience that can make a free open source, integratable and secure version that works like the more common for profit options.
We tried the PayPal POS card reader thing. It's not at all the same ease of setup as Square. It costs more too. There were issues with QB integration, with cash drawer setup, with printer compatibility, and more.
Tom Martin Rosewood Bikes Program Director 16126 SE Stark Portland OR, 97233 Shop: 503-568-1938 <(503)%20568-1938> Personal: 510-996-8655 <(510)%20996-8655>
On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Bayley Vanderpoel <bayley.vanderpoel@ velocitycoop.org> wrote:
what do you all use lately for in shop creditcard processing? We've been using Square which has met our needs, but seems expensive to pay 2.75% per transaction. Also, has anyone ever had Square? if so, have they switched to something else?
I've found some systems which would cost us less annually, but the reviews have been significantly mixed. Thanks for anyone's feedback.
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 11:48 PM, cyclista@inventati.org wrote:
Does Circlepay have desktop apps? Or just smartphone? We're trying to set up PoS and everything seems to be smartphone-only.
We want a desktop app that works with card readers and isn't a browser app. Ideally it would be open source. I know these criteria together mean probably nothing is out there - but worth checking I figure.
Nicholas Co-director, Recycle Ithaca's Bicycles Ithaca, NY
On 2017-02-20 20:14, Colin Leath wrote:
circlepay https://www.circle.com/invite/VSW0JS works very well.
If you want to try something using cryptocurrencies, then there are many other options. Coinbase, uphold, metamask (with chrome browser). Dash, Stellar https://www.stellar.org/ (maybe someday).
It's getting closer to where we won't need paypal or fiat any more but right now getting from fiat to crypto can still be a challenge. I like ether the best and used to use circlepay to buy bitcoin to get ether. Now I use gemini or coinbase, but getting signed up with various exchanges can be a real hassle and slow process. https://shapeshift.io/#/coins can also be a way to exchange digital assets.
Bitcoin is not environmentally friendly. Neither is ether at the moment, but at least it has a transition plan. Many wonder whether it will successfuly transition.
Here's one way circle manages some of the reporting issues fiat gateways face (with limits):
https://support.circle.com/hc/en-us/articles/213560403--Why- are-there-limits-
Circle was very fast when I used it. With coinbase bank transfers pretty much always take the full five business days.
Good luck!
On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:28 AM, David Oliver nowhere3@gmail.com wrote:
Patreon is for recurring payments, so if you think you have people
willing to do that then definitely go for that.
Stripe and Square are probably the two largest Paypal alternatives.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:23 PM, Steven Bradley < stevencbradley@gmail.com> wrote:
Patreon? I've not used it, but I hear it referred to quite often.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Zachariah Wahid < offsite@thehubofdetroit.org> wrote:
Hi all, > > Has anyone used an alternative to Paypal that lets you accept > donations > through your website and send money? > > Thanks! > > ____________________________________ > > The ThinkTank mailing List > <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinkt > ank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a> > > > >
-- Steve Bradley Independent Consultant Writer www.godlovespeople.org www.investorsweb.com
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