at troy bike rescue we have made a whole fleet of weird freak bikes and have have mainly used a small scale 110v MIG welder with flux core wire, no gas.
You can get welders in the hobart line (like the hobart 140) that are a basic flux core mig running off of 110, that come with a regulator so you could eventually move into mixed gas if you wanted to. Mixed gas usage provides a cleaner weld and is much easier in my opinion. Flux core welding takes some time to get used to and ample prep cleaning the metal before and after the weld.
also consider where you would be welding, and other things you would need. You need ample ventilation, good gloves, preferably an auto darkening helmet, and some angle grinders. the fumes (especially with flux mig welding) can be a bit gross to deal with. even grinding and cutting can produce a whole ton of particulate. watch out for chromoly frames as well, as chromoly has some more toxic burn off. if you deal with that, drink milk after. old wives tale maybe, but seems to make me feel better.
lemme know if you have any other questions.
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Ryan Sharpe sharpe@sacbikekitchen.orgwrote:
A couple of volunteers here at the Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen (myself included) are interested in getting into welding, to find uses for otherwise waste-stream parts, build tools and storage units, make art, and work on special bikes.
Do any other shops have experience with welding rigs, and if so, how useful have they actually been, and what sort of system is being used?
--Ryan S.
-- Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen http://sacbikekitchen.org/ 1915 I Street, Midtown Sacramento Open Tu 6-9p, We 6-9p, Th 6-9p, Fr 10a-2p (kids 6-8p), Sa 12-4p
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