In addition to Lindcraft, there is also Rudy Racks: https://www.rudyrack.com/product-category/tiered-racks/
Bikesauce here in Toronto got someone to build them essentially the same rack: https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/19250607_10155089240730129_67...
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 5:48 PM, Edward Stewart emsco514@gmail.com wrote:
We at the Elyria (Ohio) Bicycle Education Center are pretty new to much of how to run a coop and shop. We appreciate the collective intelligence being shared here.
We are looking for a good and inexpensive way to display bikes in our front 'sales room' without relying on kickstands to hold up the bikes (some have'em, some don't).
Willing to build wood racks or whatever but have not seen anything reasonable yet.
Any suggestions?
-- Ed Stewart emsco514@gmail.com 440-365-6784 <(440)%20365-6784>
*I have an escape mechanism for stress: my bike.*
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