26 Nov
26 Nov
3:39 p.m.
Hi Leslie,
In Santa Barbara, SB SNAP organizes a bike camp for kids with disabilities every June. Bici Centro, the community bike shop, helped them with the bikes for the first year but now, they have a fleet of different kinds of bikes. Photos: *http://tinyurl.com/bqo8vur*
*Video*: http://www.sbsnap.org/video/lose-the-training-wheels-bike-camp
Christine Bourgeois
805 699 6301
Education Coordinator
Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition (SBBC)
Are you a SBBC member? Join us http://bicicentro.org/join
"Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles".
John Forester
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 11:14 AM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
> hey Leslie,
> there are companies that make a kit that bolts onto most normal two
> wheelers. it's been years since i looked, but if i recall correctly, they
> run about $200 per kit. they're essentially big sturdy outrigger training
> wheels with inflatable tires that turn the bike into a trike/four wheeler.
> we had such a student who didn't have the reflexes needed to ride on two
> wheels, but WANTED a bike. we reached out to a local
> artist/welder/freakbike maker, and showed him some designs. once the
> student picked out his bike, we dropped it off at the welder's shop and had
> him fabricate some stability wheels for it.
> here's a picture:
> http://www.burnworks.org/2009/07/stability-bike-project.html
> a local news station picked up the story and did a piece on the whole
> thing (the class, Community Cycles, the student. the bike, and the welder)
> but i'm having trouble finding the video. it looks like the news station is
> no longer hosting it.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Leslie Peteya lesliepeteya@gmail.comwrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I remember a while ago someone posted an email about adaptive bikes
>> for children and adults with disabilities.
>> Do any organizations specialize in building or acquiring bikes for these
>> kids, and if so, how can I get in contact
>> with them?
>> I recently had a request for an adaptive bike at our co-op, and we're not
>> really set up to custom-make one.
>> Best,
>> Leslie
>> Durham Bike Co-op
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