Ross Willards Bike Bike presentation was extremely informative and inspiring! I would definitely give him a call.

the phrase you used during the presentation of, "Retired older men will be the wrenchers for your revolution", gets repeated around here a lot!

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Ross Willard - Recycle Bicycle <> wrote:
Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg, Pa  - we started out being strictly mobile - trailer was cheap - recycled plywood and rubber roof added - no rent - no utilities - no building insurance - only $6 for a license and when being pulled - the car towing covers the insurance - I did a power point at BikeBike in Toronto last year - cannot find it but there are still older pics in the pic page of our web site and if you need more pics, I can direct you to another web site that hosts thousands of pics of our rig in action.
Answers for Sam
- tool list    -   2 types of tool boxe  (1) basic flat & brake repair for kids (2) more comprehensive tools for city & commuter bikers

- cargo bike vs. trailer vs. both   -    One volunteer is cargo bike oriented - but if you go into the projects - you need a trailer of parts

- consumable parts list (tires, tubes, lube, et al)   Tubes some 12" &16"  lots of 20"( 40 at some street carnivals and patch when we get home ) dozen 24" & 26" some 27"   Tires 4-12" 4-16" 10- 20"  4-24"  4-26"  4-26"    wheels (unfortunately people steal wheels because they have a flat)  front & rear wheel of each size plus extra 20"   cables   housing  and lots of brake parts   -   we never fix anything on a kid's bike until the brakes work  -  chains  -      grease and crankbearings - everything is recycled except for cables

- what advocacy stuff to include (banners, stickers, brochures, and how to carry them)  -  The trailer and the work is happening speaks louder than any banner - but banners are nice - we have safety handouts and contact info- plus a folding table

- booth, tent, other  10x20 carport tent and some chairs

- other issues I'm short-sighted on...----The mobile repair thru out the city is what build our credibility and probably why we now have a free building

 Sam - call and we can discuss,


Ross Willard
717-571-2008 cell
-----Check out the bike Metrofiets of Portland Oregon built last year that was presented in the LAB magazine about three months ago.


Andy Greif, Executive Director

Community Bicycle Center

Shop: 284 Hill Street, Biddeford

Mail: P.O. Box 783, Biddeford, ME 04005 

207-282-9700 (shop)  207-229-8199 (cell)


"Providing Opportunities for Youth to Grow"



Subject: [TheThinkTank] Mobile Bicycle Repair


I am interested in discussing mobile bicycle repair with other cooperatives who currently own or operate them.  The Bozeman Bike Kitchen will begin fund-raising toward this goal starting in two weeks and I'm very interested in seeing or hearing about the mobile rigs other cooperatives have set-up.  




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