This just came from another Community Cycles person who's super active in the bike advocacy world:
For all you League of American Bicyclists members, the annual board
elections are happening now thru Jan 15th. ( http://www.bikeleague.org/about/board/elections.php) If you are a member, I encourage you to vote for Alison Hill Graves. Alison runs the Community Cycling Center in Portland, OR, and organization very similar to Community Cycles, that, like Community Cycles, does community outreach and education on bicycle safety and maintenance. If elected, Alison will be the first LAB board member from a group similar to CC. There are many issues, especially around funding, for which groups like CC could really use a voice on the national level. With Alison on the LAB board, we hope that many of our concerns will be better addressed.
I believe there's at least one CCC person on this list, if memory serves...
But it would be pretty awesome to have someone from a community shop present on the board of the League.