Yesterday I had the chance to meet with a lawyer to go over our insurance policy and to discuss liability waivers. The Bozeman Bike Kitchen currently has a basic business coverage insurance which will cover the organization in the event of a lawsuit but does not cover us from injuries incurred on-site, does not cover the property itself, nor does it cover the board of directors. I am looking for recommendations regarding types of insurance tailored for an organization like ours. Particularly renters insurance (for our property) and Errors and Omissions insurance (for our board of directors).
Secondly, our lawyer strongly recommended a series of liability waivers be added to our check-in and check-out process for both volunteers coming to work as well as for individuals receiving a bicycle. We have begun work on a volunteer waiver but have nothing for a bicycle release waiver. I am requesting to receive templates of these documents from other organizations.
Please contact me off-list with recommendations and attachments. Please reply on-list with general statements that will benefit the entire group.
Sincerely, Sam Haraldson
-- Director of Operations Bozeman Bike Kitchen