Oh I think it is all local and all global. I want to know that is going on in other places, gives us hope and sparks us in thinking about the things we might do. after all it is The Think Tank and by the guide lines of brain storming no idea is to be quashed. now how about them promise bikes?!?!? Jim
--- On Sat, 3/14/09, Urban Bike Project Wilmington, DE urbanbikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
From: Urban Bike Project Wilmington, DE urbanbikeproject@gmail.com Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Bike Lane on Spring Grove/Press Conference!!! To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 1:36 PM
I don't know how others on the list feel, but I'm against posting area-specific announcements about rides, meetings, and other events that don't pertain to everyone on the ThinkTank.
Urban Bike Project of Wilmington -a 501(c)3 non-profit bike shop- 1908 N. Market Street (entrance is in the parking lot behind the building) Wilmington, DE 19802
Hours: Thursday 6:30-9:00 Saturday 1:00-4:00
Visit us online at http://urbanbikeproject.org
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:56 PM, MoBo Bicycle Co-op mobobicyclecoop@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Fellow MoBo Members,
Greg Harris, the newest member of City Council, is planning to introduce a resolution requiring a segregated bike lane on Spring Grove when they initiate the rehab process in the next week or two. He'd like to be surrounded by cyclists when he announces the plan on the steps of City Hall, this coming Tuesday at 1:30 pm. Please invite your other cycling friends and wear MoBo t-shirts if you have them!!! This is the first time that a policy maker has initiated a call to the cycling and pedestrian advocates at Bike Pedestrian Action Committee and he needs some decent visibility if he is going to be re-elected in November. Please come out and support this initiative!
All my best,
Katie Vogel