Hola! The link is saying the time is up to apply. -Ariel
On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:50 AM Bicis Disidentes < bicisdisidentestj@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone!
*Here is a special invitation*
The compas of Antena LÁ are offering an interpreting workshop in August, in Tijuana, about the language justice framework + more, and in preparation to build capacity for interpretation at Bike! Bike! 2019 Tijuana.
Workshop topics will include:
Language Justice Principles and Practices
Interpreter role and ethics for community interpreting
Interpretation techniques
X-ing out the gender binary
Building Interpreter Networks based in Mutual Support
Ideal participants are folks who..
are comfortably bilingual/multilingual in Spanish and English
communicate comfortably in English and another language (especially interested in French and Kréyol) and can come with one or more other people who share your language combination
willing to participate in all (or most of all) the workshop activities
aspiring and experienced interpreters of all levels
based in Tijuana or surrounding areas in Baja California or Southern California
Note: if you do not live in Tijuana and need a place to stay during the workshop, please
contact us.
Location: Tijuana, venue TBD
Apply https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1icct0U73Utv0bbzu4u0VL4tUsvwYN3Q-D6YWAwou7_Y/edit?ts=5d17cc8f by midnight August 2, 2019:
What Is Language Justice? Language Justice includes the idea that everyone has the right to communicate, to understand and to be understood in the language(s) in which we feel most comfortable. Language justice also includes the shared commitment to creating bilingual and multilingual spaces where no language dominates over any other. More about Language Justice at antenalosangeles.org! Who is Antena Los Ángeles http://antenalosangeles.org? Antena Los Ángeles is a collective dedicated to language justice advocacy and organizing in Los Ángeles. We work with individuals and groups to develop bilingual and multilingual spaces, using as our primary tools interpretation, translation, consulting, and education to expand the capacity to create spaces where everyone can participate fully. We believe that language justice is part of social justice.
What is Bike! Bike! https://en.bikebike.org/?
Bike!Bike! is an international, annual gathering organized by and for community bicycle projects. The conference converges in a different city each year over a 3 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network. For 2019, the gathering will take place in Tijuana, October 11-13. More information at bikebike.org.
Training is free; good food and good company provided. Questions? Contact info@antenalosangleles.org
Bests, Bicis Disidentes https://www.facebook.com/BicisDisidentes/ ____________________________________
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