Hello Cargo Bike Enthusiasts,
We are currently reaching out to other people in the bike world
to increase awareness of the Human Powered
Network (HPN). Our aim in contacting you is to reach
someone in your community who is interested in being a part of
an intensive Apprenticeship
Program. This
program focuses on preparing individuals to create their own
local, bicycle-based business/social enterprise.
Based on Human Powered Machines (HPM) 20 years of
experience with cargo bike design and philosophy, the Network
seeks to create an association of fabricators who will build a
strong, decentralized alternative to the standard, centralized
non-local production of bikes. Our dream? To have many smaller
scale frame builders cooperating and acting as an entity that is
comparable to a large bike manufacturer.
A diverse group of apprentices has been through the program in
the last three years. The HPN is designed to give them support
that will come in many forms. At the outset, the Tiered Kit System
Please print the attached PDF and freely distribute the
information on the Apprenticeship Program to anyone in your
community who may be interested.
For the Network
Jan VanderTuin
Derek Thomas