You could check out the Park Tools website under 'products'. Parktool.com. They may even send you a catalog if you ask nicely.
Lance Ayer The Bike Root Calgary, AB
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:14 AM, Sharlyn Grace sharlyngrace@gmail.comwrote:
West Town Bikes in Chicago has one of these and it's super helpful. We have copies of theirs, but no way to upload them for you. Alex might have a way.
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Maggie Burrus-Granger < mburrusgranger@recycleabike.org> wrote:
Does anyone have or know of any handouts with a list of bike shop tools with pictures or pictures of tools with the names next to them?
-- Maggie Burrus-Granger
Recycle-a-Bike 27 Sims Ave. Providence, RI 401.273.7101 www.recycleabike.org
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