If making a statement in support of the occupy movement helps your mission as a bike co-op then by all means do it.
As an organization we are focused on fixing and teaching about bicycles and avoid politics/movements of any kind. This example is a case-in-point as to why we are non-political as we welcome, and have in the past received, support from Chase and ING and some of our volunteers work in the banking industry.
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:22 AM, Kelly Marie Martin < kelly@bicyclekitchen.com> wrote:
The Bicycle Kitchen's "policy" about political stances is NOT because of our nonprofit status (this only legally applies to 501c3's not being able to lobby for political candidates.) it's more about focusing our "advocacy" on the bicycle so that cyclists of all kinds and political backgrounds feel welcome. IMHO. there is NO official "policy." this is not an excuse or relevant in any way to the current Occupy movement. If any of our Cooks wanted the Bicycle Kitchen to take a public stand with regards to Occupy they could bring it up at a monthly Board meeting, a Quarterly Cooks meeting OR on our internal listserve.
On Oct 11, 2011, at 5:42 PM, james bledsoe wrote:
speaking for my self and not the bicycle kitchen in los angeles i have been at the occupation several times in the last weak and have helped out with fixing a couple of bikes also one of our "cooks" has move out of his apartment and into the occupation. but the kitchen per-sey has a policy of not being political due to our non-profit (education mission)
i will take the time to advocate for an action to be taken buy everyone on this list. open a credit union account both for your co-op and your personal banking, and DUMP YOUR BANK.
--- On *Tue, 10/11/11, MoBo Bicycle Co-op mobobicyclecoop@gmail.com*wrote:
From: MoBo Bicycle Co-op mobobicyclecoop@gmail.com Subject: [TheThinkTank] Occupy Movement To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 5:17 PM
Is any other bike co-op considering making a statement in support of your local Occupy movement? Many of our volunteers are involved and are curious if we are planning to do so as an organization so we are sending out feelers.
Thank you!
Ellie Jones MoBo
-- MoBo Bicycle Cooperative a project of The Village Green Foundation 1415 Knowlton St. Cincinnati, OH www.mobobicyclecoop.org
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