Hey all, I just wanted to share an upcoming event that I am organizing about the many cultures fostered around bicycling. Since bike collective often have some pretty rad cultural happening going on in their space, I thought I'd share this. If you have any questions, let me know. And feel free to share with more people doing great bike work, whether in the library or on the streets (or both!).
Bicicultures Roadshow: The Critical Bicycling Studies Tour de California
Call for Participants
April 16-17, 2013 in Davis, California
What is it? The Bicicultures Roadshow will be a time for activists and researchers to talk, ride, eat, and play as we discuss and experience bicycling cultures. At this two-day conference, we will grapple with the shifting role of bicycle research and activism as it crosses lines between policy, recreation, and radical organizing. The event will take place in Davis, a Platinum Bicycle Friendly Community, home of the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame, and site of the first bike lanes in the U.S. This event is made possible through support from the University of California Transportation Center.
Why Bicicultures? “Bicicultures” refers to the multiple social worlds of bicycling that co-exist, but may not overlap, in shared spaces. Rather than taking bicycling as a unitary object of analysis, we seek to investigate the construction of diverse meanings around the practice of cycling across time and space.
What will happen at the event? Rather than following a traditional conference format of breakout sessions and individual papers, this event will emphasize ongoing discussion among all participants. Events may include keynote speakers, roundtable discussions, interactive panel presentations, workshops, field trips, and bicycle rides. We anticipate vibrant discussions about how diverse communities are using and thinking about bicycling as a tool to maintain and reinvent their worlds. Specific topics and formats will be formulated based on participant interest. We anticipate conversations around topics such as race, gender, class, ability, gentrification, activism, public space, embodiment, technology, design, recreation and sport, sustainability, mobilities, and more.
How can I participate? We encourage participation from researchers and activists working in urban and transportation bicycling and in sport and recreational cycling, as well as those concerned with bicycling's social and cultural life. To participate, please submit a short piece (~500 words) explaining your interest in bicycling cultures, and what research, project, experience, or knowledge you would like to share at this event. Depending on your inclination, this may take the form of a research abstract, description of activist work, questions for discussion, workshop ideas, etc. Include your name, affiliation (if appropriate), and contact information. Group submissions welcome. Participation may be limited, so please submit by February 10th for full consideration. Submissions and inquiries can be sent to Sarah Rebolloso McCullough at smcc@ucdavis.edu and Adonia Lugo at lugoa@uci.edu.
What makes it a roadshow? Prior to the Davis event, we will also participate in a field investigation of Los Angeles' bicycling worlds in tandem with the Association of American Geographers conference (April 9-14th). This event will include organized rides and a roundtable discussion about the history and future of the LA bike movement. Participants in the Davis event are welcome, though not expected, to participate in LA events. Those who are able to attend all events will enjoy vibrant conversations with people dedicated to the study and practice of bicycling from a multitude of perspectives—from sanctioned bicycle events to autonomous actions, from bicycling street fair to bike repair garages, from cities to countryside. Participants are encouraged to attend as much or as little of the Roadshow as desired, all nine days or just an afternoon. Contact the organizers for more information about the LA components.*