Bump. Position is open Sept 1!

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Darren Knox <darren@therecyclery.org> wrote:
The Recyclery Collective is looking for a very experienced (2yrs plus) mechanic to run our used bike reconditioning operation and manage our storage and shop facilities.

Experience working on all eras of bicycles and ordering parts for a small shop is a must!
Experience working with bike collectives and community mindset is a plus!

Full job posting here: http://www.therecyclery.org/index.php/job/

E-mail resumes to darren@therecyclery.org or info@therecyclery.org

Volunteer Coordinator, Shop Coordinator
7628 N. Paulina ▪ Chicago, IL 60626 ▪ 773.262.5900
The Recyclery Collective seeks to build community through the restoration of donated and discarded bicycles.
Donate or volunteer!

Volunteer Coordinator, Shop Coordinator
7628 N. Paulina ▪ Chicago, IL 60626 ▪ 773.262.5900
The Recyclery Collective seeks to build community through the restoration of donated and discarded bicycles.
Donate or volunteer!