Hi all,
My friend Julien Allaire, an avid cyclist and leader for l'Heureux Cyclage in France, is looking for some contacts on the East Coast. He is interested to learn more about bike collectives and sustainable transportation in the US. During our last visit in Paris this Fall, Julien organized an event at the new Maison Du Velohttp://cbarreb.smugmug.com/Travel-in-France/Exploring-Paris/La-Maison-du-Velo-Oct-2011/19953165_sqbsCL#1570975326_jLBJVJ2: he wrote a great article http://www.heureux-cyclage.org/spip.php?article545 (in French) about the community bike shop in Santa Barbara.
Julien will be in New York and Washington DC in January. Please contact him directly: Julien Allaire allairej@no-log.org
Thanks for your help.
Christine Bourgeois 805 699 6301 Education Coordinator Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition (SBBC) www.bicicentro.org www.cycleMAYnia.com http://www.cyclemaynia.com/