If you're not on the LACBC email list, and you live in L.A., you should email Aurisha@la-bike.org to get on it. If you don't live in L.A., sorry about this...disregard, unless you plan to visit. This is an important issue if you want to make a bike path from downtown to Santa Monica.
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 20:21:39 -0400 From: aurisha@la-bike.org To: nickrichert@hotmail.com Subject: ACTION ALERT! Bike Path on Expo Line!
[image: Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition]
A new light rail line, called the Expo Line, will eventually extend from downtown to Santa Monica. The project is divided into two phases. Phase I is under construction and will end at Robertson & Venice in Culver City. Phase II will extend the line from there to Santa Monica. Phase II is still in planning phase and a draft environmental impact report was released last week.
One of items that have been promised for the Expo Line is a bikeway adjacent to the train line. This would create a continuous bikeway from Santa Monica to downtown if it were built!
Recently, the Expo Construction Authority (Expo) decided NOT to include the bikeway in the environmental review for Expo Phase 2, to avoid the burden of doing a federal environmental impact statement. Thus, there is no central authority coordinating engineering and construction of the bikeway.
Now, there are serious uncertainties about how, when or if an Expo Bikeway will ever be built!
As cyclists, we need to demand that the bike path be built simultaneously with the rail line!
- Comment on DEIR! Comments are due March 13th!
Comment online: http://www.buildexpo.org/phase2_overview.phphttp://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102496988882&e=001fyCGmEddhsmkqYX295qvmPdIsPwkChJtHXEuaEgDq8Yz65E3QK363y7e4DnaODWXQAp_GG5lXaLVtSH-nemNv3l0YNihLzLpFVILEU5vu7YFdWAbkPAhcASaLjh4LmBYQiEdbtGZ5Pg= E-mail: phase2@exporail.net
- E-mail key decisionmakers! See contact info below
KEY POINTS TO MAKE: · The bikeway must be built simultaneously with the Expo Line. If it is not included in the environmental review, we need a commitment and a plan from Expo on engineering and construction will happen. · If the Expo Bikeway is not built at the same time as the rail line, costs will increase dramatically and construction difficulties will arise if Expo does not provide space for the bike path. · The goal of the Expo Line is to reduce auto use. The bikeway is a critical component for achieving this. It can deliver transit users to stations without car trips and provides a much-needed crosstown commuter bikeway. · Expo will be starting preliminary engineering soon. The bikeway must be included in this. · The Expo Bikeway is a wonderful opportunity to expand our network of safe bike routes for a growing community of cyclists.
Send comments via e-mail to ALL people below:
Jan Perry Jan.Perry@lacity.org Expo Board Chair and LA City Council Member, 9th District
Herb Wesson,Jr. councilmember.wesson@lacity.org Expo Board Vice-Chair and LA City Council Member, 10th District
Pam O'Connor pam.oconnor@smgov.net Expo and Metro Board Member, Santa Monica City Council Member
Zev Yaroslavsky zev@bos.lacounty.gov Expo and Metro Board Member, LA County Supervisor, Third District
Scott Malsin scott.malsin@culvercity.orgExpo Board Member, Mayor, Culver City
Bernard Parks councilmember.parks@lacity.org Expo Board Member, LA City Council Member, 8th district
Mark Ridley-Thomas seconddistrict@bos.lacounty.gov Expo Board Member, L.A. County Supervisor, Second District
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