Hello compadres! So, we're trying to go from a create squads to handle different arenas of planning and activity -- like Shop Management, Communications, Programming, Volunteer Coordination, Partnerships, etc. Each squad will have a captain. *Here's the request for help: *We're looking for your insight and experience to help us figure out how to pick our captains, especially this first time.
- How have you dealt with electing / selecting leaders?
- What lessons have you learned about good ways to do this?
- How about bad ways to do this? What should we be careful of?
- How can we best inoculate ourselves against interpersonal conflicts
muddying the process?
- Are there anonymous voting systems, consensus systems, or other
systems you recommend for this kind of thing? (FYI, our group is nascent enough that we don't yet have a strong consensus model in place for making big decisions.)
For reference about captains in specific:
- Captains are the squad’s points-of-contact, coordinators for its
activities, and default squad spokespeople. They’re responsible for the squad’s workflow, and for communicating with the collective about the squad’s initiatives, progress, and needs -- also for structuring how volunteers can participate in the squad’s activities.
- Captains’ stated mission also includes supporting and engaging with
ideas from their squad members and from the larger collective too -- and calling for extra teamwork when the squad needs it.
More about the squads model from me soon, but in the mean time some feedback here would be grrrrrreat!
Josh Bisker 914-500-9890 New York Mechanical Gardens Bike Co-op http://bikecoop.nyc/ 596 Acres http://596acres.org/ Bindlestiff Family Cirkus http://bindlestiff.org/