Hey Doug, gives us a call Wed-Saturday 208-429-6520 or shoot us an email. Last summer we did a "Biking to Buy the Building capital campaign and raised about $150,000 in 6 months to purchase our buidling. I'd be more than happy to lend a hand any way we can.
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Doug cuttercrew@gmail.com wrote:
The Fort Collins Bike Co-op is considering starting a capital fundraising campaign to raise money toward the purchase of our own permanent location. Like many community shops we have bounced around every couple years trying to find inexpensive or free rent. Our present location is currently slated for development into student housing, so our days are numbered there. Moving and then reorganizing consumes alot of our volunteer bandwidth and makes it more difficult for our customers to find us.
If your organization has run a fundraising campaign please share any advice and I'll put your name on a list to contact with more specific questions as we proceed.
Thank you in advance, Doug Cutter President Fort Collins Bike Co-op
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