Hi, First off, BikeRoWave is an incorperated Co-op. We began as a Not for Profit, all volunteer, all monies go back into the Co-op style project. We offer hourly and 1/2 hourly shop rental rates. Rates are $7-hr., $4-1/2hr. Customers are renting space & use of tools. (Not just 'stand time', as that is too limiting, what if customer doesn't need a stand, just some tools, see) We offer basic lubs on the work bench included in shop rates. Other than plain lubs, all other parts, are for sale. I'm thinking of filling a shop reusable squeeze bottle for a 'one use' portion of high cost/grade oils/lubs to offer for sale around a buck. We offer an Annual Shop Pass Card for $100, that gives the named card holder Unlimited shop time for one year to date. We are in the process of reviewing the $100; it may increase to, say $125. Origainally, we did not know better, we called the Annual Shop Pass Card a 'Membership'. When we incorperated as a member owned Co-op, we realized the volunteers are the Members/Owners/Volunteers, so we can't call the public customers members. BTW, I would love to have a catchier name, than, Annual Shop Pass Card... like with 'spoke card' in it or something!! We have some L.B.S. discount programs, but I'm not too sure of their effectiveness, and or use. Hope this helps Gern Board Chair Inventory Manager BikeRoWave Co-Op Inc.