the reason i originally asked for contact info for "no boys allowed" was to present it to the team here at community cycles who is organizing a women and trans night. i'm currently on the team, but as soon as a few other volunteers get on board, i'll step back. the thread from this list a few weeks back has been useful for us contacting other shops who do host a specific time for non-males to get ideas and feedback.
and, not to hijack my own thread...
rachel, you bring up an interesting point. i visited with jonathon from slc a month or two ago, and we spoke about bikebike, and both the tremendous resources that are shared, and the large amount of "reinventing the wheel" so to speak, as workshops presented one year aren't documented or shared outside the workshop, or even outside bikebike. his idea, which i agreed with, is to have at least one person recording the workshops, and responsible for sharing them later somewhere--the bcn wiki, a dvd, a zine, etc. it would take some organizing from someone outside of bikebike, but it's not something that couldn't happen...i could see it being the job of the next host of bikebike to compile, organize and release the info somehow at the following year's bikebike.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 8:31 AM, rachael spiewak rachael@sopobikes.orgwrote:
Does anyone have notes from related Bike!Bike! discussions? It might help if we can review our discussions, rationale(s), ah ha moments, programming ideas, methods of funding population specific programming, etc. A primer wouldn't hurt, either, perhaps from a couple of perspectives from a few different genders. There is a wealth of info out there if anyone wants to find out how to be an ally, but maybe there are some special considerations to make for community bike shops that only our broader community can really speak to.
If there isn't already a page on the wiki, that would be a great place for all of these materials. Wasn't someone recently cataloging shops that have women/trans nights? That would be good info to have on there.
-rachael // sopobikes
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 9:15 AM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
pdf should be uploaded later today. will let you all know.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Kathleen Banville < kathleenmachine@gmail.com> wrote:
also people who are asking "why should there be a women and trans only space, excluding men?" should ask themselves these questions before putting the responsibility on the people using that space/time to explain. think of how many times we are asked to explain this. yes discussion is very important, but the conversation can happen between boys only or a mix of genders or anyone really. i feel, as a woman who uses women & trans only time at bike shops, that we are asked the same questions over and over. the answers are out there, please be an ally and do some research before expecting us to have the hour and a half discussion with you.
thanks Josh for scanning the zine and sharing it! it was Bike Bike! last year that gave Bike Pirates the final push to put women and trans only hours into effect and we just extended our hours from 4 to 6 hours every week. we have definitely increased the scope of new participants and created some much needed dialogue around oppression. we have now founded an anti-oppression committee, are drafting a policy around this, and planning a volunteer retreat in order to have workshops on important issues other than the bike mechanic side of our group. looking forward to sharing the results with everyone at Bike Bike! this year.
peace, kathleen bike pirates/ community bicycle network toronto canada
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 8:50 PM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Forrest Cutrer fbcuter@msn.com wrote:
Once Josh scans it he should post it here for everyone. It's pretty neat. However, I do recommend reading it with some discussion. As an identified male who was initially against a gender-specific night, it took both the zine and a good hour-and-a-half long discussion to sway my opinion.
couldn't have said this better myself.
i finally dug out my copy to see if i could find kanako's (the author) email address. it's in there, along with a note that says "feel free to copy and distribute, even add/expand on this zine."
with that in mind, i'm scanning it now. will post a note when it's been uploaded to the attack sit---i mean, bcn wiki.
i for one am definitely interested in feedback from men, women, and everyone else, once they've read it...i feel like bikebike is such a finite time in which to discuss these types of broad issues. the workshops tend to overrun, side discussions are quashed, etc.
would love to see some longer term discussions about oppression and some of the other large societal issues we as bike shops and as people face happening either on this list or somewhere.
thanks y'all.
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