Again, I am really surprised that that FEMA's site, doesn't include bicycles in their "kit" recommendations.  I am not sure who to lobby on this front, but it makes complete sense to me.  Imagine if instead of everyone buying generators in a panic, they were buying bicycles too?

Another article:


Jonathan Morrison
c: 801-688-0183

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 3:50 PM, <> wrote:
there is a facebook group i found via friends for folks in NYC who can help or who need help. i was just added this afternoon, but the group is very active calling for food/blankets/hands who are available. i haven't seen a call for bikes, but i posted to see if they had any interest. 
 someone posted earlier today a call for people with bikes and/or cargo bikes who can carry hot meals and other donated goods like blankets, etc. if anyone's interested/able to help, hit me up off the list and i can add you to the group.


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