Hoping that the info below might reach some cool people who want to work hard in a cool town. the ED oversees the Armory Bike Union, our version of a community bike shop.
Thanks for sharing with others!
Scott TenBrink Executive Director Fitness Council of Jackson * * 225 North Jackson St. Jackson, MI 49201 (517) 990-9798 scott@fitnesscouncil.org www.fitnesscouncil.org facebook.com/FitnessCouncil
We are seeking applications for a new Executive Director of the Fitness Council of Jackson. Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in related field (Nonprofit Administration, Urban Planning, Public Health, etc.), excellent written and oral communications skills, leadership and fundraising experience in a nonprofit setting, and familiarity with concepts of active living community environments.
Full job description at www.fitnesscouncil.org. Please direct resumes and salary requirements to Fitness Council of Jackson, Search Committee, 225 N. Jackson St., Jackson, MI 49201 or email toinfo@fitnesscouncil.org. Position is open until filled.
Full job description and application requirementshttp://www.fitnesscouncil.org/downloads/ExecDirectorJobDescription2013.pdf