Hey Y'all
Bike Bike is rapidly approaching.
Thursday September 25th through Sunday September 28th
We are planning numerous bike events all around SF. The conference will start on Thursday afternoon with registration and workshops at First Baptist Church On Octavia and Market. Friday there will be numerous workshops at the Church and other locations followed by Critical Mass and Cyclecide Poker Run. Saturday the conference will move to the Soma Rec Center on 6th btwn Howard and Folsom. Other workshops will be held in the Downtown SF City College Campus Saturday Night will be the Cyclecide Pedal Monster Party and Show Sunday will Be less intensive we will have some workshops and chances for shops to share about there projects. We will go on a radical bike tour with Chris Carlson. Monday (the day after) some folks will ride to Santa Cruz to visit the Bike Church and check out their cool projects. There is a possibility of Cyclecide driving their bus down for folks who don't want to ride the whole way.
Ways you can help!.....
We will need to close the BK for these 4 days so that we can hold workshops and store tons of bikes!
Come to the next meeting. -Monday August 25th at the Bike Kitchen, after WTF night
Offer a workshop (welding, trailer building, working with youth, organizing your shop, ect...)
Offer housing. We need to find housing for conference attendees.
Gather Food Donations. We are hoping to feed several meals during the conference.
Build up loaner bikes.
Volunteer during the conference.
Email or Call for more info.
Justin Valone wind@riseup.net 415 385 8439