Well. I don't know. There are definitely personal emails on that map. And being able to get in touch with people when tourists pass through town is for me one of the priorities of the map. I wonder if there is any way to make two maps with synchronized locations but different information on the markers. Does anyone know whether that could be done?
We could have two asynchronous maps and see which one ends up getting the traffic. Figuring out what this map will be used for will decide whether it needs to be public or private. The main goal we had for it was to provide information to bicycle tourists. People who want to bike from collective to collective helping out and seeing how other collectives work. For that, we need contact information.
I'm not quite sure what you want it for. I am always referring to the bike collectives wiki list to direct people from my preferred Internet forum to their local bike collective, and find it far more useful than a map, though a map would be prettier and have more emotional "woah, that's a lot" impact.
There might be other uses for the map that I'm not thinking of. But if it's for the nice display, I think I'd rather keep it as a semi-private map because there is personal contact information from some of the smaller shops on there. However, it's a collaborative work. I'm not the only opinion out there. Other folks, what do you think makes the most sense? I suppose we could scrape the contact info from the map and have a semi-private link with that, instead. Lots of options.
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Clifford McCarten [B!KE] < director@communitybikeshop.org> wrote:
This is a great idea. Are there strong objections to making it public? I'd love to post a link to it on our site: I think this is more interesting and way more useful than a massive list of links. Cheers, Clifford
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 2:15 AM, Angel York aniola@gmail.com wrote:
One of the things that came out of the Bici Bici conference here in California this past weekend was a potential bike tour of California. In order to start thinking about the tour, we needed to build a map.
So we turned to Google Maps. And quickly realized that there's a need for a comprehensive bike collectives (et cetera) map. So we have changed the name of the map to include you. Yep, YOU! WOO! So here is the link: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&oe=UTF8&msa=0&m...
Please add the following:
- location
- hours
- contact information
Information on how to edit the map is available here if you need it: http://maps.google.com/support/bin/static.py?hl=en&page=guide.cs&gui...
If you would prefer, send me an email and I will gladly add the information for you.
The link to the map is available to anyone who needs it, but isn't publicly listed because there are a few personal emails listed for the smaller cooperatives. The only thought I have at the moment is to use this map for folks who want to go on bike tours from one shop to the next as a cross-pollination work/trade sort of thing. There are probably a ton of other uses!
My cat is being cute. I'm off to investigate.
Angel York Davis Bike Collective
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