Sort them into two line ups; one is the bikes that are worthy of repair - bikes that will get to the finish line of repair, the other line up of bikes to strip. Physically put them in separate areas. Actually don't strip the bad ones, that is extra time wasted. Just start repairing the ones that will be good. If you have more detailed interest, check out our website, www.Librarybikes.org , we have a book about all these details that can be downloaded. Bill
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 20:19:23 -0400 From: needleandthread@gmail.com To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Sorting Bicycles
hey all, here is a not-so-hypothetical question. If you had to sort a lot of bicycles (I mean a lot, like a few thousand) how would you do it? The purpose would be to sort them in a user-friendly way, so that in the future you could find the bikes you need (i.e. bikes for a youth program, bikes to sell, bikes to strip) as easily as possible. The bikes will be staying in the same location for the most part which calls for a good sort and store method, although dispersal of the bikes to other spaces will also be easier if we sort them properly.
The best suggestion so far is to sort them by wheel size but these bikes don't have their wheels attached - what a headache - so I'm looking for other suggestions.
Thanks! Ainsley and the FUCKIGOR bicycle collective
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