Revolutions Community Bicycle Shop 1000 S. Cooper St. Memphis, TN 38104 901.949.1201
Best, Anthony Siracusa
On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Rich Points rich@richpoints.com wrote:
Hey All, So I thought I'd write to the list again and encourage you all to send me your links to your sites so I can add them to the directory http://CommunityCycles.org/links.html
Many of you have sent me links in the past and I've done my best to include them but a few may have slipped through the cracks. Please verify that your collective is listed. Once I hear back from people I'll send out the links and encourage you all add them to your sites links page.
Why is Rich doing this? I'm doing this because it's an easy thing we can all do to promote each other on the web. By having links to similar sites the search engines give our site more credibility and move us up in the search results. It also shows our site visitors we are part of a larger movement to get people on bikes.
-- Rich Points Community Cycles Director http://CommunityCycles.org Rich@CommunityCycles.org 720-565-6019
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