hey rachael, nice to hear from you. so yes, we've got lots of documents to be sharing, some ready to be sent your way, others i'll work on getting an electronic copy ready. Should i be sending things to you as an attatchment or posting directly to the site ( i haven't actually had time to check it all out yet to see how that works) but if you can help with that stuff, a lot of us on this end are not very computer savy, though i'm sure we could find some help. for the time being if we want to post the list i sent out of info we have available to share and folks can contact us directly with interest until we get it all on there, that would be great. thanks again for getting this rolling everyone. excited to be in contact. ellie k / bicas
From: "rachael spiewak" rachael@sopobikes.org Reply-To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] documents, the wiki, future workbook Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:14:46 -0400
Hiya, folks.
I volunteered at bikebike to facilitate the gathering and organizing of materials (paperwork, curricula, program descriptions, zines, flyers, graphics, bylaws, mission statements, instructional materials, press releases, media hits, etc) to put into a wiki and perhaps form into a workbook. My vision is to organize items by category and by particular co-op/collective, and have them all cross-referenced with each other.
I just put a call out on the community bicycle listserve. Please feel free to forward it to other channels and networks.
Anyone interested in helping to keep it organized, please let me know!!
In somewhat related news, we've got a Foundation Center here in Atlanta. It's a free library of information about foundations and grants. If anyone is interested in grant seeking, please let me know. It's really easy for me to go over there and run a quick search.
xoxoxox.rachael Sopo Bicycle Co-op Atlanta, GA
thethinktank mailing list thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...
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