Please send this on to any of your friends, post on your blog or MySpace, etc. We can make this huge! This stuff is important!
Love, Jen
<strong>Next Saturday, September 27th</strong>, 1Sky.org , GreenJobsNow.com , and WeCanSolveit.org are hosting a rally and bike ride to bring awareness to the need for more green jobs! Below are details about the event and what the organization is going to accomplish. Please read and come out to show your support next week! The rally is at 10am, speakers at 11am and the ride to Washington Park is at 12pm. <strong>Bring your friends! Bring your parents! Bring your boss!</strong> We need as many people there as possible! Come and show your support for the environment and the need for green jobs!
Check it out before going to the Track Shack Grand Opening! trackshackdenver.com
If you believe in the following message come: <strong>Urge our elected officials to invest in creating millions of green jobs and a Clean Energy Corps. We can't drill and burn our way out of the current crisis. We can invest and invent our way out. We can create new pathways out of poverty and curb global warming at the same time. We will do this by retooling our factories, rebuilding our communities, and repowering America with 100% clean and renewable electricity. It's time to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.</strong>
<strong>There are events going on all over Denver</strong> (Highlands, 5 points, Cheesman Park), see the whole list here: http://events.greenjobsnow.com/events/search
<strong>So what are we supporting exactly?</strong> The following text is care of BikeDenver.org
The 1Sky campaign (www.1Sky.org) is a new national campaign that pressures the presidential candidates to take bold federal action on global warming. Our goal is to make global warming a priority and get real solutions passed. America needs solutions based on science and justice that match the scale of the problem of climate change. The 1Sky platform includes global warming emission reductions 25-40% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, a moratorium on new coal fired power plants and investment in clean and renewable technology, and the creation of 5 million new green jobs as pathways out of poverty. Transportation amounts to almost a third of global warming emissions, and supporting bikes and cyclists to make riding safe and easy is the easiest way to start reducing those emissions!
To jumpstart this campaign, there is a National Day of Action for Green Jobs. As part of the campaign, we’re going to make the National Day of Action for Green Jobs a success. Below are the details for the event. We need everyone to get involved come to these event in order to send a clear message to our leaders in Washington. The Rally starts at 10 and needs to be a visible presence of 100 people from diverse communities in order to get the media’s attention. We’ll have action booths, sign-in photo petitions, and letter writing. At 11 we’ll have three short speakers and media coverage, and at 11:30 we’ll head off to Washington Park on the Cherry Creek path and bike around Washington Park. It’s really important to have people from the ride also at the rally in order to get the visibility of how many people are involved, so please come for both!
*What: Green Jobs Rally and Ride When: Saturday, September 27th at 10am Starts: The Alliance Center, 1536 Wynkoop, Denver To: Washington Park Who: www.GreenJobsNow.com*
Climate change affects us all in some way, whether it be the health of our communities, the enjoyment of our wilderness, or the simple belief that Americans deserve an equitable and sustainable future. We need Green Jobs in order to transform us into the new green economy. Please RSVP to eleanor@greencorps.org or call at 773-750-7845 so we can know how many to expect. We hope to see you there!
Eleanor Green Corps Field Organizer eleanor@greencorps.org 773-750-7845