Does anyone have a preferred brand or source for a filebox of universal (double ended) derailleur cables. We're *this close* to having a distributor account, which will probably solve the problem, but in the meantime, our people, they need to shift gears. One source we use sends them individually bagged, which is dumb (we reuse the bags, of course, but we don't need that many). JensonUSA and BikepartsUSA are lacking in photos and descriptions, and when I call them, they give me different information from the people at Pyramid and Jagwire.
I'm starting to think that the world is consipring against DIY bike repair, also made evident by the complete elusiveness of Park Tool FR-2 in this town. One retailer asked why in the world we might need that tool...it's for OLD bikes. Well you see, sir...
Anyway, any info on a filebox of 2-ended shifter cables would be marvelous.