Hey colectivo folks,
If any of you all want to participate a bike movement out of Colombia, it sounds pretty rad. They currently only have two cities participating in the US--New York City and (I'm pretty sure) Davis. Let's grow that number! Details are below...
Sarah McC
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: clara ines perez pineda claperpi@yahoo.com Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 3:40 PM Subject: Bikes 4 Life Invitation - 09/22/13 To: "smcc@ucdavis.edu" smcc@ucdavis.edu
Hi Sarah,
It was really nice to meet you last night! Thanks a lot for all of your suggestions, ideas and your interest to spread the word about Bicis por la Vida. Here is a blurb about it.
"Bikes 4 Life" is a movement created in Colombia last year to promote bicycling as a sustainable way of urban transport. This year its leaders are promoting a worldwide action on September 22nd which is also the international Car Free day. So far more than 170 initiatives have signed up including a lot of bike groups in Latin America, Europe and Africa. For further information and join the movement please visit http://www.bicisporlavida.org/en/
Many thanks again, Clara Perez