Hey folks, for those that are interested I've made some of the first steps in creating a suite of utilities that can be used for all the stuff we need to do on a daily basis. As of right now, I've created some Drupal modules that can be used to administer users and sales, so if you're by chance currently running Drupal 7 and are in need of this kind of thing, then you can probably start getting it set up soon. Eventually I'll be developing this so it can be used on any web site and likely offline too and there will be much more functionality than just shop administration. You can check out the demo version here: test.bikeroot.ca/members/shop. If you want to try it out you'll need to create a fake account, this is only because the system sends automatic emails on registration and purchases which are all directed your account in the demo. There's probably some bugs in there so you'd be doing me a favour by trying it out and giving me feedback if you feel like it. I'm hoping for late spring to be able to release something with basic functionality that can be used by anyone that needs it; that might be optimistic however. At that point I'll hopefully be able to reconnect with some of the developers that met concerning this in San Marcos for help expanding its functionality. .godwin