First, how soon?
On Fri, Sep 23, 2022, 12:47 PM Josh Bisker via Thethinktank < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> wrote:
Hey pals, the Mechanical Gardens in NYC is losing our home base and needs to find a new home. I'm wondering if people have advice on any of these topics:
- Leveraging a crisis like this into successful fundraising campaigns
- Propositioning other organizations to partner with you and donate
space that can house you at a site they control — for example, government agencies, real estate developers, community development corporations, nonprofits, or for-profits.
- Some other strategy i'm not seeing here...?
I'm eager to hear what's worked for you, as well as any lessons about what hasn't. I'm keen to hear specific pieces of advice about how to construct this pitch or frame the ask, who to engage with, and things like that, and I'd be grateful if you could share specific resources — a pitch deck, a proposal document, anything along those lines. NYC is an extraordinarily hard place for, you know, essentially everything, and real estate is the hardest thing of all, so things that may have worked in other places simply might not work here ... but I'm taking all the advice I can get.
Josh Bisker | 914-500-9890 http://voice.google.com/calls?a=nc,%2B19145009890 http://voice.google.com/calls?a=nc,%2B19145009890| Executive Director, Mechanical Gardens Bike Co-op http://bikecoop.nyc/ 2022 Donation Drive is ON! Support Bike Equity in NYC Today! http://bikecoop.nyc/donate Funkrust Brass Band http://funkrust.com/ | Kessel Run Radio Show on Maker Park Radio https://makerparkradio.nyc/shows/the-kessel-run-w-joshjoshjosh/ ____________________________________
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