To me, "evidence based" sounds like a checklist or some other way to prove they gotten the education/mentoring they needed, whether it's bike mechanics, cycle-commuting safety, etc. No?
On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Dean FoGerty dean.fogerty@gmail.com wrote:
does that mean proof that they needed a bike or proof that the bike changed their life?
On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 8:59 AM, james bledsoe jamesbleds0e@yahoo.comwrote:
“evidence-based” ??
*From:* Andy Greif cbcofme@gwi.net *To:* Maria Ortiz maria@bikesnotbombs.org; Ignacio Rivera de Rosales < bicasunderground@yahoo.com>; Karen Overton karenovert@gmail.com; Melanie Grubman bikingmelanie@gmail.com; Jim Sheehan < ohiocitycycles@gmail.com>; Matt Soycher learn@bikesnotbombs.org; Mira Brown mira@bikesnotbombs.org; national@tripsforkids.org; Pasqualina Azzarello director@recycleabicycle.org; jonathan.morrison@gmail.com; thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org *Cc:* Maryalice Walker maryalice.walker@gmail.com *Sent:* Wed, May 4, 2011 11:41:52 AM *Subject:* [TheThinkTank] Evidenced Based Earn-a-Bike Programs?
Hi Folks,
Are any of you aware of “evidence-based” bicycle/mentoring
*Andy Greif, Executive Director*
*Community** Bicycle Center*
*Shop: 284 Hill Street , Biddeford*
*Mail: P.O. Box 783 , Biddeford , ME 04005 *
*207-282-9700 (shop) 207-229-8199 (cell)*
*"Providing Opportunities for Youth to Grow"*
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