Think-tankers, hello again from Montreal,
The deck features original graphic work inspired by vintage Art Deco posters of women cyclists and their early bikes. It is a continuation of our just finished and successfully closed KS project.
The collective wisdom and goodwill hosted on this forum is amazing. We would love to receive any feedback, suggestions, corrections. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1522759383/1735898345?ref=7vq3kx&to...
The original SKILLS OF BIKE / GRIP OF LIFE Kickstarter offered a calendar, a book and a zine, all centered on the women emancipation movement. (*h**ttp://kck.st/3jC58as http://kck.st/3jC58as*)
Any kind of support from you would work- fund$ or a post on Facebook, Twitter, email to your personal or community networks. Merci beaucoup andrei+Dario