Hey Everyone.

We're doing a big membership push this winter--we just mailed out about 450 membership renewal letters today--and we're looking at what benefits we offer to members.

To be clear, our standard membership is the only one someone could do work-trade for. All of the others are cash based. We're open to the idea of someone working more hours to gain better benefits, but haven't seen that much interest in it from our community, and so haven't come up with a structure for it.

Here's what we're thinking about offering:

$20 - low income membership. same benefits as the standard membership.
$35 or EAB student or paying Mech's class student - basic/standard membership.
$100 membership  "Century membership" - Same benefits as standard membership, plus:
$500 membership "Golden Membership" - Same benefits as EAB Sponsor, plus:
$1000 membership - "Lifetime Membership" Same benefits as Golden Membership for life, plus:
We don't have any Lifetime Memberships just yet, but we're hoping to soon....Perhaps with the right benefits package?

I'm interested in hearing what other groups are offering to members. What have you had success or failure with. Anyone have any feedback on our plan?

Thanks. Hope you're all doing well.
