4 Feb
4 Feb
5 p.m.
Sad, sad news. At least we can hope he's riding again, wherever he is.
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:17:03 -0700 From: jonathan@slcbikecollective.org To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org; community@slcbikecollective.org; community@slccriticalmass.org Subject: [SLC Bike Collective] Sheldon Brown passed away...
Jonathan Morrison Executive Director Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective
2312 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84115 w: 801-328-2453 c: 801-688-0183 f: 801-466-3856 www.slcbikecollective.org
Get Addicted to Crank! http://www.slcbikecollective.org/crank/
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