Hi Aaron, here is Bikes del Pueblo's Bylaws, created by former collective members. Thanks for bringing this up, I think it's good to have current members look over this and see what still works for us and what needs to be modified. Throughout the almost 10-yr history of this collective, there's been so many changes.
Anyways, hope y'all are doing well up in Davis. https://www.instagram.com/bikesdelpueblo/
*Alternate email address: jacq_lynne@pm.me jacq_lynne@pm.me*
On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 12:20 PM Aaron Shaw atshaw@ucdavis.edu wrote:
Hey Bike Collective fam,
I’m trying to find some examples of bylaws/constitutions from other community bike projects. Can you share your bylaws with us? Our collective is interested in how other bike collectives are structured and guided through their foundational documents.
Here are the Bylaws from the Davis Bike Collective: https://davisbikecollective.org/bylaws/
Thanks! Aaron
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