12 Aug
12 Aug
2:18 a.m.
Good idea Luis!
I'd add another tyre lever to make this three per set I'd 'shadow board' the tool roll (white permanent marker pen outline around each tool - easy to see if anything is missing or misplaced) Regarding 'How do you all handle this sort of thing?' - do you mean physically? how about a strap sewn onto reinforced edges of each tool roll (making a carry handle)
Warmest regards,
*Lawrence Mohammed*
Director/Head Mechanic
*+44 (0)77 222 58587*
*probikeservice.co.uk https://probikeservice.co.uk*
/[Location, NOT delivery address]
Pro Bike Service C.I.C.
Mobile Garden City
Olympic Village
London E20 1GW/
On 11/08/17 21:10, thethinktank-request@lists.bikecollectives.org wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Bike station tool kits (Luis Fernandez)
> 2. Re: Advice on laying out new premises. (Angel York)
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